INIST Library
File name
Last updated
02.09.24 02:31:23
1824-00-00.Heyrick.Immediate not gradual abolition.pdf
1.51 MiB
03.03.14 18:30:35
100.87 KiB
26.12.19 21:44:59
810.63 KiB
01.06.19 16:28:10
1879.Werner von Siemens.First electric passenger train.Berlin Industrial Exposition.jpg
70.5 KiB
27.03.20 21:12:08
1888.Weems.Electtric railway.Engineering News.jpg
328.05 KiB
02.04.20 00:59:16
1896-04.Arrhenius.On the Influence of Carbonic Acid.Phil Mag n Journal Physics.pdf
4.31 MiB
26.12.19 21:58:43
1922-01-07.Bowlby.Road Makers Art.Building_and_Engineering_News.pdf
2.19 MiB
01.12.19 03:55:42
1935.Butler.War is a Racket.pdf
647.93 KiB
26.12.20 07:48:52
693.04 KiB
26.07.19 11:56:37
1956.Ashby.Introduction to Cybernetics.Chapman and Hall.pdf
1.93 MiB
27.11.19 07:16:17
1959.John E Arnold.Creative Engineering.pdf
27.08 MiB
01.04.17 04:31:06
1959.Strunk n White.Elements of Style.pdf
59.6 KiB
19.09.18 14:50:46
6.46 MiB
29.02.20 00:02:16
1965.Revelle.AtmosphericCarbonDioxide.US Pres Science Advisory Com.pdf
1.76 MiB
27.05.19 19:04:42
1968-12-13.Hardin.Tragedy of the Commons.pdf
2.03 MiB
17.04.14 20:06:25
1971.Kenneth Boulding.Three Theorems.png
67.07 KiB
05.07.14 20:57:27
1974-02.Godfrey Wilson Yamamoto.Economic perspective on PRT Networks.pdf
2.84 MiB
19.02.18 06:34:11
1974.Garrett Hardin.Living on a lifeboat.The Garrett Hardin Society.pdf
571.21 KiB
23.02.15 00:56:47
1975-09.Johnson et al.Analysis and simulation of automated vehicle stations.International Conf on PRT.pdf
950.71 KiB
05.10.16 12:09:12
1978.Anderson.Transit Systems Theory.Lexington Books.pdf
30.28 MiB
17.05.20 17:13:54
1978.Irving.Fundamentals of PRT.pdf
18.34 MiB
01.01.80 07:00:00
1979.Dubbers etal.Forschung Stadverkehr-Cabinentaxi.Federal Minister of Transport.pdf
2.7 MiB
10.04.15 15:36:01
1982-03-21.Illich.Silence is a Commons.pdf
79.76 KiB
09.06.14 06:33:30
1987-03.Anderson.A note on fare policy in personal rapid transit.pdf
148.33 KiB
29.01.13 00:04:36
1987.Cipolla.The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity.Whole Earth Review.pdf
150.13 KiB
13.10.20 16:44:00
1988.Anderson.What Determines Transit Energy Use.Journal Advanced Transportation.pdf
604.9 KiB
29.01.13 00:14:20
1990.Hillman etal.One False Move.A Study of Childrens Independent Mobility.PSI Publishing.pdf
20.66 MiB
27.04.18 00:41:29
336.28 KiB
16.03.21 22:24:57
1993.Malewicki.People Pods High Speed Personal Mass Transportation Revolution.pdf
42.34 MiB
07.04.15 23:50:58
1993.Owen.A Brief Users Guide to Open Space Technology.OpenSpaceWorld-org.pdf
105.91 KiB
16.01.21 22:40:24
1994-03-28.Swenson Patiño.Ultralight Mass Transit Vehicle.Towards Clean Transport OECD.pdf
5.21 MiB
03.01.15 19:39:38
1994-05.King etal.Sunrayce 93.NREL.pdf
8.49 MiB
10.11.18 16:54:17
1994-07-18.Engelbart Engelbart.Boosting Collectiive IQ.Bootstrap Institute.pdf
6.1 MiB
01.12.13 05:52:11
1994.Andréasson.Spårtaxi i Gävle.Gävle Kommun.pdf
94.18 MiB
05.01.15 08:28:38
1995--1997..Tonatiuh en Sunrayce95-WSC-RutaMaya.EscuderiaTonaiuh.pdf
8.28 MiB
03.06.20 16:13:38
1996-05.King Stafford Tamai.Sunrayce 95.pdf
10.28 MiB
17.07.17 06:29:39
1996-06.Swenson.Sustainable Transportation for a World Beyond Oil.World Renewable Energy Congress IV.pdf
361.6 KiB
05.06.16 07:30:55
1996-08-04.Andefrson.Some Lessons from the History of PRT.Intl PRT Conf ATRA.pdf
197.68 KiB
17.05.20 16:37:44
1998-06.Walden.Slowly up the High Road - Airships to Orbit.ASES.pdf
11.99 MiB
05.06.16 07:11:25
1999.DonellaMeadows.Leverage Points Places to Intervene in a System.pdf
92.8 KiB
08.01.20 18:01:16
2000-09.Ohland Nguyen Corless.Dangerous by Design.Surface Transportation Policy.pdf
410.85 KiB
15.11.09 02:33:52
2000-12.Andréasson.Innovativa kollektiva trafiksystem.pdf
3.01 MiB
21.11.13 15:27:51
2000.Tegner.PRT in Stockholm - Market Demand Economic Appraisal.Transek.PDF
87.01 KiB
03.01.17 22:19:18
2003-01.Flydal et al.Intelligent Transport Systems.Telektronikk.pdf
1.84 MiB
01.01.80 07:00:00
2003-01.Ford ed.Personal Automated Transportation Status and Potential.ATRA.pdf
906.48 KiB
08.04.14 18:58:04
2003-04.Stegmann.Flights of Fantasy in smart CAPSI capsules.TEC.pdf
130.53 KiB
02.09.18 16:42:54
2003.Aitken.Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future.ISES.pdf
1 MiB
08.06.18 15:23:54
2003.Aitken.Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future Exec Sum.ISES.pdf
240.29 KiB
08.06.18 14:32:12
215.89 KiB
29.01.13 00:05:24
235.46 KiB
17.05.20 16:59:41
110.81 KiB
17.05.20 16:56:33
294.22 KiB
17.05.20 16:59:47
2006-02-14.Lakoff.Simple Framing-An Introduction to Framing and Its Uses in Politics.Cognitive Policy Works.pdf
192.15 KiB
09.05.21 15:02:18
2006-09-26.Dremann.Local companies earn green-technology honors.Palo Alto Weekly.pdf
156.36 KiB
03.08.20 05:25:50
2006-11-01.Perry.Crowning the Clean Tech Stars.IEEE Spectrum.pdf
73.4 KiB
03.08.20 04:45:21
2006-11-18.Swenson.Solar Power Potential with PRT.ATRA.ppt
9.49 MiB
08.07.13 00:50:57
2006-12-10.Lesle.Sailing an Oil Tanker.NewYorkTimesMag.pdf
62.55 KiB
03.08.20 04:39:43
2007-02.Carnegie SUNJ and Hoffman Booz Allen Hamilton.Viability of Personal Rapid Transit in New Jersey.NJ DoT etal.pdf
1.4 MiB
23.12.14 07:13:12
2007-03-00.Morris.From Horse Power to Horsepower.Access 30.pdf
798.88 KiB
24.08.14 22:27:45
2007-04-16.Patzek.CE170 Energy Earth Humans.University of California.pdf
8.86 MiB
18.04.07 01:31:02
2007-04-22.IST.PRT in Sweden_From Feasibility Studies to Public Awareness.pdf
1.24 MiB
05.02.15 13:23:27
2007-07-08.Swenson.Biofuels Science or Fiction.Solar Today.pdf
281.96 KiB
21.06.07 19:23:46
2007-09-10.Patzek.How can we outlive our way of life.OECD.pdf
1011.37 KiB
07.10.19 07:49:44
2007-11-06.Swenson.How Can We Turn Sun Radiation into Transportation.SIKA CHU.pdf
1.2 MiB
06.01.08 02:12:32
2007.Hermann Simon.GlobalExergyFluxReservoirsDestruction.Stanford GCEP.png
625.5 KiB
03.08.20 05:24:05
2008-05-24.Koren.PRT Activism.pdf
352.67 KiB
17.06.15 19:25:27
2008-09-21.Perez.Making the case for solar energy.Daylight Architecture.pdf
558.21 KiB
02.08.09 22:24:15
2008-11-03.MacKay.Sustainable Energy without the hot air.pdf
9.8 MiB
26.08.13 13:57:18
2008-11-18.Dure-Smith.GTF RFI Response-Cover letter.SJ DOT.pdf
66.97 KiB
18.11.08 19:14:23
2008-11-18.Swenson Lindstrom.GTF RFI Response-.SJ DOT.pdf
177.28 KiB
18.11.08 19:12:41
2008-11-18.Swenson Lindstrom.GTF RFI Response-Attachments.SJ DOT.pdf
3.54 MiB
18.11.08 19:11:05
2009-02-08.Wirsenius Andreasson et al.Spårbilar i Södertälje - En vision för hållbar stadstrafik.Södertälje Kommun.pdf
5.22 MiB
09.02.09 17:25:53
2009-11-09.Ernst Shoup.Dangerous by design.Surface Transportation Policy.pdf
3.1 MiB
15.11.09 02:36:56
2009-11.Jacobson.A Plan to Sustainable Energy by 2030.ScientificAmerican copy.pdf
1.39 MiB
11.11.09 01:18:30
2009-12-12.Scheer.In praise of creative destruction.Ode.pdf
74.37 KiB
19.11.16 05:06:59
2009-12-15.Widlert.transportstyrelsens synpunkter för spårbilar.pdf
1.32 MiB
11.09.15 17:27:09
2009.Anderson.How to Design a PRT Guideway.pdf
2.08 MiB
01.01.80 07:00:00
2009.Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.Pionjarbanor for sparbilar.Goverment of Sweden.pdf
1.36 MiB
26.09.09 09:50:16
2009.Muller.PRT Stations.APM09.pdf
2 MiB
14.02.15 09:31:30
2009.Zheng Jeffery McDonald.Dev Eval Traffic Management Strategies PRT.Industrial Simulation Conference.pdf
163.44 KiB
10.10.14 22:42:43
2010-06.Fabian.Smart Urban Mobility.Trans21.pdf
901.8 KiB
24.10.17 16:03:06
2010-09-30.US DOT, Sweden Ministry Enterprise.Memorandum of Cooperation.pdf
225.9 KiB
16.06.12 18:21:09
2010-11-17.Anderson.16 Rules of Engineering Design.pdf
97.16 KiB
28.01.13 23:59:56
2010-12-00.Homerick.PRT-Sim MicroSimulator for PRT.UCSC.pdf
1.97 MiB
24.01.13 18:26:09
2010.TRB.Guidebook for Planning and Implementing APM Systems at Airports.FAA-ACRP.pdf
10.56 MiB
29.01.13 00:08:22
2011-06.Castangia Guala.Modelling Simulation PRT Network.Systematica.pdf
1.32 MiB
10.10.14 22:41:16
2011-07-22.IRS.INIST tax exempt status.pdf
61.26 KiB
27.07.11 18:00:20
2011-Q4.Chester etal.Parking infrastructure environment.Access.pdf
4.83 MiB
01.04.16 14:28:48
2012-08-29.INIST Swenson.Solar Skyways.IEEE Vehicle Technology.ppt
12.08 MiB
30.08.12 23:18:43
2012-09-06.INIST.Solar Skyways Challenge 2012-2013.pdf
15.59 MiB
07.09.12 03:52:45
2012-10-17.Larsen.ATN_STAFF_REPORT.City of San Jose DOT.pdf
275.55 KiB
08.11.18 22:46:35
2012-10-19.Aerospace.Automated Transit Network Feasibility Evaluation.City of San Jose DOT.pdf
16.61 MiB
08.11.18 22:47:09
2012-10-19.Arup.San José International Airport Automated Transit Network Feasibility Study.City of San Jose DOT.pdf
11.64 MiB
08.11.18 22:46:22
2012-11-02.Lambert etal.EROI of Global Energy Resources.DFID-59717.pdf
3.03 MiB
22.10.19 00:41:40
2012-11-16.Jorgensen Tucker.Super Way PRT System - Preliminary Feasibility Analysis.SJSU Bus181.pdf
12.22 MiB
17.11.12 23:14:13
2012-12-12.Jorgensen Burlingame Kibrick Lam et al.SuperWay - A Solar Powered Automated Transportation System.San Jose State University.pdf
13.05 MiB
07.01.13 09:24:58
2012-12-13.Jansson.About Team Ångström.Uppsala U.docx
1.02 MiB
13.12.12 14:06:56
2013-01-17.Stuchinsky.SJ DOT ATN Study Findings.SantaCruz.ppt
8.17 MiB
16.01.13 22:23:04
2013-02-26.FTB.INIST Exempt Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
729.45 KiB
07.11.17 07:55:33
2013-04-21.Lott.Systems for Last Mile Connections HSR Stations.APS ATS 2013.pdf
1.27 MiB
08.04.16 05:13:50
2013-04-24.Emma Reed.Environmental Impacts Report with intro and recommendations.SJSU.docx
134.17 KiB
07.06.16 02:30:17
2013-05-11.Satterwhite.SMSSV Funding and Financing Report.SJSU URBP 180.pdf
61.36 KiB
23.09.17 00:50:29
2013-05-30.Björk et al.Solar Skyways-Conditions for a PRT System in Uppsala.Uppsala University.pdf
9.43 MiB
30.05.13 11:43:47
2013-06-12.Kipping Burlingame Kibrick Lam et al.Superway-A Solar Powered Automated Transportation System.San Jose State University.pdf
63.19 MiB
12.04.14 00:15:54
2013-06-24.INIST.Proyecto Sustenible de Transporte Publico para Ciudades de LatinoAmerica.pdf
1.14 MiB
24.06.13 23:13:46
2013-07-08.INIST.Solar Skyways Challenge Sponsorship.pdf
544.8 KiB
09.07.13 01:24:34
2013-09-03.INIST Swenson Lindstrom Furman.Mountain View City Council.ppt
8.99 MiB
03.09.13 17:25:48
2013-10-21.INIST.Transporte Sustenible para el Beneficio de Todos.pdf
264.04 KiB
21.10.13 17:09:58
2013-10-25.Furman etal.ATN Game-Changer.Podcar City 7.pdf
20.86 MiB
09.04.17 15:27:32
2013-11-02.Swenson.Solar Skyways.ISES SWC 2013.pdf
4.85 MiB
24.02.14 04:13:37
2013-12-09.DSID 131.GoPod Mobile app.SJSU.pdf
8.72 MiB
10.12.13 03:45:33
2013-12-09.ENGR 195C F13.SuperWay Solar Powered APT System.SJSU.pdf
8.6 MiB
05.04.14 05:58:58
2013-12-10.Aylen.Design Control LIMs for ATN.SJSU ME295A.ppt
3.35 MiB
11.12.13 01:48:13
2013-12-12.INIST.Public ATN Design Initiative-Mtn View & Sunnyvale.pdf
3.96 MiB
12.12.13 06:22:29
2013-12-19.EE 198B.ATN Final Report.San Jose State University.pdf
669.51 KiB
12.04.14 04:17:12
2013-12.Johansson.Fossilfrihet på väg 1.Trafikverket.pdf
4.79 MiB
08.11.14 21:41:22
2013-12.Johansson.Fossilfrihet på väg 2.Trafikverket.pdf
3.51 MiB
08.11.14 21:41:38
2013.Anderson.Tradeoff between Supported vs Hanging Vehicles.pdf
131.4 KiB
08.08.13 21:56:16
2013.Global status report on road safety.WHO.pdf
14.9 MiB
10.05.15 23:17:41
2013.Toroyan etal.Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013.WHO.pdf
14.9 MiB
21.06.17 14:11:10
2014-01-27.Beamways Gustafsson.ATN Explained.pptx
6.61 MiB
02.02.14 05:48:39
2014-01-27.INIST Swenson.Solar Skyways at Fresno State.ppt
2.94 MiB
15.03.14 00:49:22
2014-02-08.INIST Swenson.A Sustainable ATN system for Kirkland.ppt
10.54 MiB
07.02.14 20:58:26
2014-02-10.INIST Swenson.Three steps to ATN in Kirkland.ppt
7.42 MiB
10.02.14 16:54:46
2014-03-01.INIST.ATN Design Initiative.pdf
3.81 MiB
21.03.14 22:10:19
2014-03-10.INIST Swenson.Solar Skyways.ITE San Jose State.ppt
2.69 MiB
15.03.14 00:48:25
2014-04-29.Goldberg.Spartan Superway Summary Report.SJSU.pdf
6.06 MiB
29.04.14 15:18:54
2014-05-09.SMSSV.Spartan Superway.SJSU ENGR195D.ppt
31.88 MiB
10.05.14 17:46:44
2014-05-12.Eugenia Tai.Transcend the Limits of Human Mobility.Spartan Superway.pdf
2.04 MiB
13.05.14 12:24:22
2014-05-30.Cowley Rivera et al.Spartan Superway.SJSU ENGR195D.pdf
10.01 MiB
04.05.15 18:18:26
2014-05.Krueger.Design of a Simplified Test Track for Automated Transit Network Development.SJSU.pdf
2.37 MiB
23.06.14 19:18:02
2014-06-06.INIST Swenson.Leadership Sunnyvale.pdf
26 MiB
07.06.14 19:45:10
2014-06-21.INIST Swenson.EAA Silicon Valley.ppt
6.34 MiB
22.06.14 20:50:48
2014-06.Muller.PRT Evaluation.Greenville County EDC.pdf
3.65 MiB
17.02.15 07:12:00
2014-07-10.Bushong.A Little Trouble And A Lot Of Hope At The Spartan Superway Project.Solar Power World.pdf
625.02 KiB
02.08.14 15:51:02
2014-08-13.Lee.Summary of PRT Simulators-Simulators for Public use only.Evergreen Valley HS.pdf
4.7 MiB
05.10.16 11:24:27
2014-09+10.Fabian.Transit Pulse.pdf
1.31 MiB
19.08.14 01:18:00
2014-09-10.McKenna.Development and Construction of Guideway Beam.SJSU CE298.pdf
9.4 MiB
23.10.14 06:52:47
2014-09.Andreasson.From Personal to mass transit.PCC Arlanda.pdf
1.28 MiB
13.04.17 18:37:04
2014-09.Furman.Automated Transit Networks.MTI 1227.pdf
6.02 MiB
27.10.14 19:26:26
2014-12-12.Ornellas etal.Spartan Superway Full Scale Team.SJSU ME195.pdf
22.44 MiB
01.11.17 06:15:21
2014-12-18.Shiramizu.Exploring Challenges of New Transportation Proposals Future Transportation City of San Jose.SJSU URBP 280.pdf
181.89 KiB
27.12.14 00:23:13
2014-12.Aylen.Performance_of_Linear_Induction_Motors_Within_an_Automated_Transit_Network.SJSU ME.pdf
3.03 MiB
20.01.17 08:06:36
2014-12.Besson etal.1-12th Scale Model Report on Design and Prototyping.SJSU ME195.pdf
15.11 MiB
01.11.17 06:11:32
2014-12.Kearney Seiger Berliner.Impact_Investing_in_Energy.Stanford.pdf
3.92 MiB
09.09.20 17:38:21
2015-01-20.IRS.Spartan Superway Project EIN.pdf
14.51 KiB
21.03.15 20:34:30
2015-02-16.Pitchel Liu.Spartan Superway.Stanford Sustainable Transportation Seminar Series.pptx
18.33 MiB
02.03.15 22:24:16
2015-03-31.US.INDC and Accompanying Information.COP21.pdf
266.46 KiB
03.10.15 17:31:46
2015-04.Liccardo et al.Vision Zero San Jose.San Jose DOT.pdf
2.92 MiB
25.09.15 00:41:35
2015-05-21.Ornellas et al.Spartan Superway 2014-2015 Final Report.SJSU ME195.pdf
38.49 MiB
31.05.15 00:26:53
2015-05-22.Falcao et al.Automated Transit Network.Spartan Superway.pptx
4.95 MiB
19.05.16 06:07:53
2015-07-21.Falcao.Summer Internship Solar Team Spartan Superway.pdf
3.05 MiB
11.10.15 15:43:18
2015-08-11.Korean Electronics Team.Scale model design.Spartan Superway.pdf
4.22 MiB
11.08.15 23:09:40
2015-08.Andreas Johan Karin Christine.PRT-vagn Projektarbete Sommaren 2015.Spartan Superway.pdf
4.82 MiB
20.03.19 21:28:06
2015-08.Diridon.ATN-Podcars-The missing Link.Podcar City 9.pdf
417.7 KiB
19.08.15 18:23:33
2015-09-04.Daly.Economics for a Full World.GTI.pdf
1.25 MiB
04.02.16 14:43:41
2015-09-17.Cerquoni Encitra.SJAO Almaden Oakridge.SJ
19.16 MiB
11.09.20 16:42:12
2015-09-17.Cerquoni Encitra.SJAO Almaden Oakridge.SJ DOT.mp4
204.63 MiB
27.02.17 17:08:13
2015-09.Kabeya.Project Spartan Superway.pdf
1.88 MiB
29.10.15 06:04:16
2015-09.Kim et al.A Study on the Suspension System of Spartan Superway.Pusan Univ.pdf
1.82 MiB
28.09.15 00:59:09
2015-10-12.Anderson.The Fortunes of PRT in the United States.pdf
99.8 KiB
13.10.15 05:34:12
2015-11-04.Furman.ATN Dev With Students.PCC9.pptx
122.36 MiB
01.09.16 22:11:53
2015-11-06.Swenson.Energy Key to Entitlements for Podcar NWs.PCC9.pdf
11.37 MiB
03.09.16 15:54:24
2015-11-10.Spartan Superway Project.pdf
998.09 KiB
04.03.16 22:15:11
2015-11-18.Falcão.Performance and Financial Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Systems.Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica.pdf
11.07 MiB
04.07.17 00:38:08
2015-11-18.Falcão.Performance and Financial Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Systems.Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica.pptx
10.72 MiB
04.07.17 00:37:40
2015-11.Perez Perez.A_Fundamental_Look_at_Supply_Side_Energy_Reserves_for_the_Planet.SHC_Solar_Update.pdf
149.56 KiB
03.08.20 05:23:17
2015-12-12.Gharakhani et al.Spartan Superway Solar Analysis.SJSU ME 170 Solar Engineering.pdf
578.99 KiB
17.12.15 06:17:31
2015-12-15.Acoba et al.Spartan Superway.SJSU ME195A.pdf
55.6 MiB
30.12.15 06:48:39
2015-12.Furman.Innovating Automated Transit Technology with Students.ATRA-Pulse.pdf
14.43 MiB
13.01.16 17:40:50
2015-12.Gharakhani et al.Spartan Superway Solar Analysis.SJSU ME170.pptx
887.36 KiB
07.12.15 06:18:34
2015-12.Gharakhani et al.Spartan Superway Solar Analysis calcs.xlsx
65.39 KiB
08.12.15 17:59:28
2015-12.Wang.Design_of_an_Automatic_Door_System_for_an_Automated_Transit_Network_Vehicle.SJSU ME.pdf
4.27 MiB
20.01.17 08:06:47
2015.ATRA.Beyond Traffic-Choosing the Future.pdf
807.83 KiB
13.10.15 19:10:52
2015.Toroyan etal.Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015.WHO.pdf
10.47 MiB
21.06.17 15:39:32
2015.Zarafu.PRT Application in Retrofitting Edge Cities.pdf
722.6 KiB
11.09.15 22:12:28
2016-02-29.Anderson.Systems Engineering applied to Urban Transportation.pdf
6.01 MiB
29.02.16 23:40:31
2016-04-12.Vermont Kittle.Spartan Superway gets a little closer to reality.Spartan Daily.jpg
493.2 KiB
17.04.16 22:29:23
2016-04-21.Anderson.Systems Engineering applied to Urban Transportion.Intl Cou Sys Engg.pdf
3.07 MiB
04.08.16 18:03:54
2016-05-04.Swenson.Reflections on the Solarevolution.doc
27 KiB
06.05.16 23:06:35
2016-05-04.Swenson.Solarevolution More with Less.SJSU ME 195.pdf
35.52 MiB
06.05.16 22:42:18
2016-05-11.Eugenia Tai.Transcend the Limits of Human Mobility.Spartan Superway.pdf
3.78 MiB
11.05.16 21:48:08
2016-05-13.Gemmel et al.Intermediate Scale Wayside Power.SJSU ME195B.pdf
36.44 MiB
05.06.16 11:25:30
2016-05-13.Holst Mahbub Hatfield.Power Systems.SJSU EE.pdf
5.4 MiB
05.06.16 11:27:42
2016-05-13.Valenzuela et al.Spring 2016 Final Presentation.SJSU ME195B.pptx
295.5 MiB
14.05.16 16:16:32
2016-05-18.Swenson n Furman.SANE Transit Technology Roadmap.CSSEI.pdf
19.7 MiB
19.05.16 13:31:06
2016-05-25.Alvarez (ed).Spartan Superway Spring 2016 Report.SJSU ME 195B.pdf
18.16 MiB
24.06.16 05:41:39
2016-05.Kriti Kalwad.Optimization of Asymmetric Cross-Section Spartan Supeway.SJSU ME295B.pdf
3.39 MiB
09.10.16 00:01:42
2016-07-12.Branco etal.Case Study Solar Power Installation for ATN San José.ASES Solar 2016.pdf
3.13 MiB
16.08.18 04:32:59
2016-07-12.Furman.The Spartan Superway A Solar Powered ATN.ASES Solar 2016.pdf
1.63 MiB
01.09.16 22:15:32
2016-07-12.Gendler.A study on the effects of shadow impingement on solar powered transportation.ASES.pdf
2.76 MiB
03.09.16 23:22:24
2016-07-12.Swenson.Spartan Superway.ASES Solar 2016.pdf
13.56 MiB
05.11.16 05:54:46
2016-07-22.Cahill Pereira Vinícius Símon.The Bogie Sub-Team.pptx
40.31 MiB
08.08.16 23:07:50
2016-07-22.Cahill Símon Sanchez.Summer 2016 Bogie Team Final Report.pdf
3.05 MiB
08.08.16 23:12:49
2016-07..Gard Pate etal.Station Stop Policy Guidance Document.WashingtonStateDOT OregonDOT.pdf
3.49 MiB
16.01.21 07:10:21
2016-07.Branco etal.Case Study of a Solar Power Installation for an Automated Transit Network in San José.ASES Solar 2016.pdf
1.05 MiB
24.12.16 22:51:09
2016-07.Furman.Spartan Superway - A Solar Powered Automated Transportation Network.ASES Solar 2016.pdf
828.4 KiB
24.12.16 22:49:52
2016-07.Gensler.Study effects of urban shadow on solar transp systems.ASES Solar 2016.pdf
1.01 MiB
24.12.16 22:52:39
2016-08-10.Civil Environmental Engineering Team.A Solar Powered Automated Transportation System 2016.Spartan Superway.pdf
3.56 MiB
09.08.16 17:36:02
2016-08-10.Oliveira_etal.CivilTeamSummer2016.Spartan Superway.pptx
42.15 MiB
03.09.16 17:04:25
5.9 MiB
25.08.16 13:35:59
2016-08.Rosenfeld.Solar Racking Installation for ATN.Spartan Superway.pdf
5.11 MiB
31.05.17 08:30:20
2016-09-02.Belarbi Ferreira Ossie Ledain.Spartan Superway French Team 2016.Spartan Superway.pdf
7.33 MiB
02.09.16 18:27:27
5.75 MiB
03.07.20 03:22:19
2016-09-21.Swenson.Mitigating Climate Change with Solar-Powered Transit.PCC10.key
38.32 MiB
13.09.16 17:38:44
2016-11-17.Furman etal.Solar-Powered Automated Transportation Networks.USDOT T3e Webinar.pdf
15.31 MiB
16.11.16 05:19:12
2016-11-17.T3 Webinar Question and Answer Transcript The ITS Professional Capacity Building Program.DOT T3e.pdf
124.5 KiB
22.02.17 06:18:19
2016-12-12.Swenson Furman.Solar Transport on the Critical Path to 100 Percent RE.AGU.pdf
37.61 MiB
11.12.16 22:15:39
2016-12.Reddy.Building Supply Chain Network Mfg Steel Columns.SJSU ISE298.pdf
1.66 MiB
02.02.17 06:18:46
2016.Anderson.Contributions to the Development of PRT-Vol I.ATRA CPRT.pdf
18.7 MiB
24.10.17 16:36:51
2016.Foxx.Beyond Traffic 2045.DOT.pdf
7.61 MiB
02.05.17 12:32:26
2016.Maurer etal.AutonomousDriving.Daimler und Benz.pdf
16.03 MiB
01.10.18 03:48:52
2017-01-23.Big-Ticket Transit.The New Yorker.pdf
1.1 MiB
09.04.17 23:12:50
2017-01.vonThienen_etal.TheoreticalfoundationsofDesignThinking_PartI_JEArnolds CreativeThinkingTheories.pdf
400.32 KiB
21.12.19 05:33:22
2017-02-04.Olivares etal.Spartan Superway Wheelchair Restraint System.SJSU Engr 195D.pdf
566.85 KiB
08.02.18 23:06:00
2017-02-16.Aquino n Dey.Suspension.SJSU RF.pdf
856.5 KiB
09.04.17 14:40:54
2017-02-16.Gendler.FEA of Guideway for ATN.SJSU RF.pdf
901.4 KiB
09.04.17 14:40:10
2017-02-16.Gendler n Guo.Effects of Shadows on Spartan Supeway.SJSU RF.pdf
10.2 MiB
09.04.17 14:39:26
2017-02-16.Kemp n Soto.Steering Mechanism for Suspended Transp Sys.SJSU RF.pdf
555.95 KiB
09.04.17 14:41:23
2017-02-28.Summer Research Experience.SPARTAN Superway.pdf
1.36 MiB
13.04.17 04:45:33
2017-03-03.Arup.City of SJ AGT Study.SJ DOT.pdf
22.11 MiB
20.11.17 22:14:35
10.02 MiB
15.03.17 05:45:40
10.64 MiB
15.03.17 05:24:50
2017-03-15.INIST.UIDC_Brochure.Podcar City 11.pdf
2.98 MiB
22.03.17 15:27:10
2017-03-29.Furman.SPARTAN a new mode of sustainable transportation.ISSIP_NSF.pptx
16.48 MiB
25.03.17 01:44:30
2017-04-26.Swenson.Spartan Solar.SJSU GreenTalk.pdf
94.29 MiB
26.04.17 15:59:44
2017-05-10.Gendler.Finite Element Analysis Guideway ATN.Spartan Superway.pdf
1.63 MiB
17.05.17 11:21:58
2017-05-16.Bissell Chiurazzi Mathew Zeid.Project Cost Estimation Scheduling Risk Analysis.Spartan Superway 195B.pdf
833.78 KiB
17.05.17 11:17:54
2017-05-30.Furman.SPARTAN a new mode of sustainable transportation.SiliconValleyOpenSource.pptx
76.77 MiB
17.07.17 23:33:28
2017-05.Guo.Barriers for Homeless People in San Jose when Accessing VTA's Transit Service.SJSU Urban and Regional Planning.pdf
4.12 MiB
09.08.17 19:48:20
2017-06-02.Aquino etal.Spartan Superway 2016-2017 Final Report.SJSU ME195AB.pdf
20.81 MiB
05.09.17 10:36:54
2017-07-28.Snytsheuvel Hagstrom.Spartan Superway Response to San Jose RFI 1705-001.pdf
1.74 MiB
28.07.17 21:38:38
2017-08-04.Pusan U Team.Spartan Superway – Summer 2017 Suspension Team.SpartanSuperway.pdf
2.92 MiB
13.08.18 23:49:36
5.08 MiB
29.08.17 22:08:03
5.13 MiB
08.10.17 19:48:51
2017-11-09.Swenson Lindstrom.Podcar City & Advanced Transit.PCC11.pdf
11.81 MiB
13.07.18 23:42:04
2017-11.Swenson Current CMG Mayberry.The District-Guadalupe RIver Walk-A Vision for Guadalupe River Park Gardens Diridon Station Area.pdf
2.65 MiB
17.11.17 18:09:14
2017-12-20.Charlie Hall.Will EROI be Primary Determinant Economic Future.JOUL54.pdf
463.78 KiB
22.10.17 05:43:03
2017-12-28.anon.Std 21-13 Chapter 1 and 5 Redline for Ballot.ASCE.pdf
153.89 KiB
15.07.19 04:40:55
2018-02-14.Furman.Effective technical presentations.SJSU.pptx
9.4 MiB
22.02.18 16:18:40
2018-04-17.Lalith Cuppala.Deformation Properties of Clamped Concrete Filled Steel Tubes.SJSU Spartan Superway.pdf
487.41 KiB
18.04.18 14:31:48
2018-04-22.Anderson.Demonstration of the Intelligent Transportation Network System.pdf
171.84 KiB
31.05.18 06:57:13
530.39 KiB
20.11.17 15:47:47
2018-05-14.Banzon Oyan Brasil.Small Scale Track Design Mfg.Spartan Superway.pdf
29.67 MiB
04.07.19 15:04:08
2018-05.Scharnhorst.Quantified Parking.HousingAmerica-org.pdf
10.13 MiB
13.07.18 07:47:06
2018-08-06.Swenson.Solar Podcars-A New Vision.ASES.pdf
44.58 MiB
13.08.18 23:46:00
2018-08.Flores et al.Spartan Superway Master Project Energy Storage Part 1.pptx
7.5 MiB
14.12.18 05:38:52
2018-09.Anderson.How to reduce Congestion.pdf
4.17 MiB
01.10.18 03:54:29
2018-10-12.Swenson.Solar Powered Automated Rapid Transit Ascendant Networks.Podcar City Gavle.mp4
44.61 MiB
25.11.18 15:42:00
2018-10.Hemmen et al.Redevelopment of Chain Works Ithaca NY.UIDC SIU.pdf
2.32 MiB
05.03.19 01:13:37
2018-11-16.Swenson.Solar Skyways Network.ANES.pdf
5.71 MiB
09.04.21 16:37:20
2018-11.PRT Consulting.UCS ATN Alternative-Conceptual Evaluation.SCCRTC.pdf
2.16 MiB
02.11.18 22:37:15
2018-12.Khosroshahi.ATN Vehicle Emergency Egress.SJSU ME Dept.pdf
5.62 MiB
05.03.19 04:42:30
2.2 MiB
26.06.20 15:29:43
11.29 MiB
21.06.20 19:49:58
2018.von Thienen etal.Theoretical-foundations-of-design-thinking-part1-john-e-arnolds-creative-thinking-theories.Springer.pdf
284.13 KiB
21.12.19 04:42:57
2019-01.vonThienen etal.TheoreticalfoundationsofDesignThinking_PartII_McKimsNeed-BasedDesignTheory.pdf
1.7 MiB
12.12.19 21:55:59
1.14 MiB
20.08.19 12:57:32
2019-02.Retting etal.Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State.GHSA.pdf
2.5 MiB
04.09.20 14:54:02
2019-03.Anderson.Business_Plan-Commercialization of an Intelligent Transportation Network System.ITNS.pdf
2.56 MiB
29.01.21 06:49:39
2019-05-14.Alrumaihi Aloudah Almobarak.Pod Car LifeCycle Cost.SpartanSuperway ISE 195B.pdf
2.99 MiB
18.05.19 17:56:48
2019-05-15.Alrumaihi Aloudah Almobarak.Pod Car LifeCycle Cost Estimation.SpartanSuperway ISE 195B.pdf
2.55 MiB
18.05.19 17:56:48
2019-05-19 Full-Scale Drivetrain Final Report-3.SpartanSuperway.pdf
2.01 MiB
21.05.19 04:45:34
7.27 MiB
02.06.19 15:03:21
4.73 MiB
21.05.19 04:45:32
2019-05-19_Full-ScaleSteering and Emergency Braking_FinalReport.SpartanSuperway.docx
23.23 MiB
21.05.19 04:46:00
3.9 MiB
21.05.19 04:45:34
16.36 MiB
21.05.19 04:46:32
4.78 MiB
21.05.19 04:46:14
10.03 MiB
21.05.19 04:46:34
2.57 MiB
21.05.19 04:45:54
12.68 MiB
21.05.19 04:45:30
11.98 MiB
21.05.19 04:45:34
2019-05.Fogelquist.Computational Aid for Designing PV Canopy for Solar-Powered Transit Project.SJSU ME MS.pdf
3.49 MiB
02.10.19 18:44:26
857.45 KiB
23.02.20 08:06:47
2019-07-19.Perez Nussey.A Fundamental Look at the Supply Side Energy Resrves.FreeingEnergyProject.png
156.78 KiB
03.08.20 05:45:56
2019-09-17.McKibben.Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns.New Yorker.pdf
1.22 MiB
08.10.19 21:37:25
8.18 MiB
22.12.19 01:41:10
4.26 MiB
22.12.19 01:40:40
6.6 MiB
22.12.19 01:42:29
1.57 MiB
23.01.20 18:23:16
762.43 KiB
23.01.20 18:23:59
1.89 MiB
23.01.20 18:24:16
2.61 MiB
02.10.19 17:56:32
17.14 MiB
23.01.20 18:25:19
1012.97 KiB
23.01.20 18:24:54
11.71 MiB
01.10.19 23:54:42
2.97 MiB
22.12.19 01:56:24
94.17 KiB
01.10.19 00:45:18
57.51 MiB
23.01.20 20:17:18
6.19 MiB
30.09.19 23:58:23
3.58 MiB
30.09.19 14:57:09
6.11 MiB
22.12.19 01:42:19
3.6 MiB
22.12.19 01:44:17
6.27 MiB
23.01.20 20:18:08
1.71 MiB
23.01.20 18:27:10
116.4 KiB
01.10.19 00:45:18
28.31 MiB
23.01.20 18:30:05
371.11 KiB
23.01.20 18:27:35
932.68 KiB
22.10.19 00:08:54
2019-10.Anderson.History of my involvement in PRT led to ATRA.pdf
1.46 MiB
22.10.19 00:15:04
2019-10.Anderson.What is PRT.pdf
482.36 KiB
22.10.19 00:14:03
2019-12-09.Goh Lau Near.Power Module Integration into SPARTAN Superway.SJSU ME195A Spartan Superway.pdf
3.31 MiB
29.01.20 21:25:48
2019-12-14.Bake_Chan_Jahja_Ng_Sharp.SpartanSuperway-WaysidePowerFallReport.SJSU ME195A Spartan Superway.pdf
1.85 MiB
18.12.19 11:49:22
2019-12-14.Bazadehsalaran Lagasca Lal.11m Full Scale Track.SJSU ME195A Spartan Superway.docx
18.64 MiB
02.09.20 23:51:18
2019-12-14.Darwish Romero Pereda Ghieuw Fatehi.Small ScaleTeam Fall 2019 Report.SJSU ME195A Spartan Superway.pdf
6.04 MiB
18.12.19 11:49:20
2019-12-14.White Sculley Heggem Lin.Half-Scale Team.SJSU ME195A Spartan Superway.docx
3.97 MiB
03.09.20 00:00:14
2019-12-17.Heyne.Responses Roll in Following Request for Innovative Transit Solutions.SJDOT.pdf
506.11 KiB
04.02.20 23:28:19
105.48 MiB
28.01.20 21:32:02
21.35 MiB
22.12.19 02:51:36
2019-12.Pete-Xi-Diego.Bascom Master Plan.SIU ARC 551.pdf
8.99 MiB
28.01.20 21:38:35
2019-12.Pete-Xi-Diego.Bascom Master Plan.SIU ARC 551.pptx
349.22 MiB
28.01.20 21:39:59
828.59 KiB
25.11.19 09:48:24
290.51 MiB
20.03.21 19:04:16
2019.Hamilton.2019 RoboCar Progress Report.CityTram.pdf
1.35 MiB
20.03.21 21:25:49
2019.Hamilton.RoboCar Progress Report.CityTram.pdf
1.35 MiB
20.03.21 21:25:49
2019.Mussey.The earth gets more solar energy in one hour than the entire world uses in a year.FreenEnergyProject.pdf
1 MiB
03.08.20 05:23:52
2020-02-11.Madou.VTAs BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project.Downtown-Diridon Community Working Group.pdf
5.65 MiB
26.05.20 18:02:28
65.22 MiB
27.08.20 17:27:44
7.34 MiB
11.04.20 23:06:49
4.98 MiB
27.02.20 19:57:43
2020-02.Chase-Tim-Joseph.Cupertino_De Anza College Development.UIDC.pdf
8.24 MiB
27.02.20 02:16:25
2020-02.Hefler-Kaczmarek-Komperda-Sharma.NYDOT Ithaca.UIDC.pdf
3.34 MiB
27.02.20 19:42:41
2020-02.Pete-Xi-Diego.Bascom Master Plan.UIDC.pdf
2.3 MiB
27.02.20 19:42:23
2020-02.Sosa-Murillo-Stremming.DowntownSan Jose.UIDC.pdf
1.94 MiB
27.02.20 19:42:54
2020-03-06.Swenson.SPARTAN Superway.Handout.CommuniverCity.pdf
391.7 KiB
06.03.20 15:35:31
2020-03-17.anon.Statement.FASTER Bay Area.pdf
109.48 KiB
24.03.20 05:24:26
2020-04-27.Anderson.Our Faustian Bargain.pdf
1.96 MiB
16.05.20 08:37:50
2020-05-14.Carlos Franco.Design of Energy Storage Unit-Spartan Superway.SJSU ME.pdf
2.63 MiB
15.05.20 20:48:32
2020-05-14.Liwei Lu.Guideway Design Fab-Spartan Superwy.SJSU ME.pptx
7.77 MiB
18.05.20 07:47:59
2020-05-14.Mohammed Saiyed.Bogie Design for a Suspended Solar-Powered ATN Vehicle.SJSU ME.pptx
8.74 MiB
18.05.20 07:50:10
2020-05-14.Shastri.Solar Racking for ATN-Spartan Superway.SJSU ME.pptx
8.16 MiB
22.05.20 03:34:32
2020-05-15.Bake Chan Jahja Ng Sharp.Spartan Superway Wayside Power n Distribution.SJSU ME195B.pdf
12.17 MiB
08.05.20 19:32:19
2020-05-15.Bazadehsalaran Lagasca Lal.11m Full Scale Track.SJSU ME195 Spartan Superway.pdf
5.53 MiB
29.05.20 15:50:36
2020-05-15.Goh Lau Near.Power Module Integration into SPARTAN Superway.SJSU ME195B Spartan Superway.pdf
9.5 MiB
03.09.20 02:44:44
2020-05-15.Pereda Darwish Fatehi Ghieuw Romero.Small Scale Model Team.SJSU ME195 Spartan Superway.docx
71.79 MiB
02.09.20 23:47:44
2020-05-15.White Lin Sculley Heggem.Half Scale Team Report.SJSU ME195B Spartan Superway.PDF
4.47 MiB
03.09.20 02:33:12
2020-05-15.White Lin Sculley Heggem.Half Scale Team Report.SJSU ME195B Spartan Superway.pptx
34.5 MiB
16.05.20 08:34:02
28.79 MiB
16.05.20 18:41:12
2020-05-18.Nguyen Tong.Spartan Superway-Third Rail Materials Test.SJSU Materials Engineering.pdf
521.88 KiB
19.05.20 20:54:02
2020-06-19.Dankberg-KimleyHorn to Madou-SJDOT.SanJoseNewtransitOptionsRFI-SummaryAssessment.SanJoseDOT_RFI.pdf
362.68 KiB
29.08.20 02:33:02
2020-06-30.Ristow.AnnualTtransportation System safety report vision zero.SJ DOT.pdf
862.52 KiB
13.05.21 22:25:37
2020-07.Swenson.Greenways for Greener Cites.SpartanSuperway.pdf
17.14 MiB
28.07.20 02:26:10
2020-08-19.White etal.Spartan Superway 2020-2021 Senior Design Project.SJSU ME195 Spartan Superway.pptx
89.55 MiB
28.08.20 00:17:55
2020-08-25.Carly ideas to connect transportation hubs.San José Spotlight.pdf
1.53 MiB
31.08.20 17:31:29
15.22 MiB
05.02.21 07:12:38
2020-09-17.Leggett.A History of the Solar Century so far.UBS.pdf
2.14 MiB
20.09.20 02:21:44
2020-11-18.Technical Univ DK.New understanding of mobility paves way for tomorrow's transport systems.ScienceDaily.pdf
74.97 KiB
29.01.21 16:13:21
27.18 MiB
08.12.20 03:44:19
9.53 MiB
15.12.20 04:54:19
6.25 MiB
23.12.20 04:29:44
11.99 MiB
17.12.20 15:33:09
14.47 MiB
17.12.20 15:42:35
2020-12-31.Anderson.Lateral Dynamics of the ITNS Vehicle.pdf
2.13 MiB
01.01.21 10:11:18
2020-12-31.Anderson.Our Faustian Bargain.pdf
2.54 MiB
01.01.21 09:51:36
2020-12.Toone etal.New IDEAs for Transit.National Academies-TRB.pdf
19.99 MiB
08.12.20 20:52:04
2021-02.Grant etal.TheBiggerPicture-SevenIdeasDowntownSanJose.SPUR.pdf
8.62 MiB
11.05.21 20:35:43
2021-05-11.BJF JBF RBS.Solar-Powered Automated Transportation Networks _A Bold Leap Forward for Truly Sustainable Transportation.ITF Pre-Summit Reesarch Day.pdf
9.97 MiB
17.05.21 14:34:10
2021-05.Cozzi Gul Bouckaert etal.NetZeroby2050-ARoadmapfortheGlobalEnergySector.IEA.pdf
4.46 MiB
18.05.21 20:59:10
12.05 MiB
08.06.21 22:50:03
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